Asthma Treatment


Newmed Immediate Care

Immediate Care & Primary Care Practice ocated in Rolling Meadows, IL

Approximately one in every 13 people lives with asthma. That means we can expect about 1,800 people to have asthma in Rolling Hills, Illinois alone. When an attack starts, people with asthma need medical intervention quickly. Even when the person’s asthma is well-controlled, patients must get regular checkups and renew their asthma action plans. That’s why Dr. Ruchir Thakkar and the team at Newmed Immediate Care are ready to help. Our calm and compassionate team through this tough time. Whether you need immediate assistance or a plan to help you breathe easily, you can call us today or request an appointment through the website.

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Symptoms of Asthma

Asthma is a condition in which a person’s bronchial tubes get inflamed and produce excess secretions. This inflammation can cause persistent symptoms such as:

  • Coughing, particularly at night or after exercise
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Shortness of breath frequently
  • Feeling weak during exercise

Some of these continuous symptoms can be signs of something else, so it’s important to avoid self-diagnosing and to see an experienced doctor instead.

Asthma symptoms can continue without treatment, and they may even get worse. Sometimes they continue in a consistent, predictable way. For example, some patients with asthma know they will struggle to breathe as soon as they lay down for bed.

What an Asthma Attack Feels Like

While asthma can stay under control for long periods of time, it can also flare up suddenly. This is called an asthma attack, and it often happens in response to some kind of stimulus. For example, some people have asthma attacks triggered by vigorous exercise, while others have asthma attacks from specific allergens.

During an asthma attack, the primary symptom is difficulty breathing. Others may even notice how hard it is for someone with an asthma attack to catch a breath. Other symptoms of an asthma attack may include:

  • Wheezing sounds
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Fast, shallow breathing
  • Trouble speaking
  • Pain or pressure in the chest
  • Anxiety
  • Blue lips

In the middle of an asthma attack, it can feel like nothing else in the world is happening. Like the only thing your mind can focus on is catching breath. This can cause panic, which can make the asthma attack worse. Physically, an asthma attack may feel like someone or something is sitting on your chest. Others describe it as a sharp pain in the lungs and chest.

Asthma Treatment Options

While asthma is relatively common, it should not be taken lightly. Without proper treatment, asthma can cause permanent damage or even death. In the midst of an asthma attack, the doctor’s goal is to keep oxygen flowing in the patient and return his or her breathing to normal. After an attack, the goal is to keep the chronic condition under control and avoid a future attack.

Doctor Thakkar gives each patient personalized treatment. Depending on the patient’s unique situation, your treatment plan could include any of the following:

  • Short-acting beta agonists, such as rescue inhalers
  • Intubation in severe cases
  • Ipratropium (Atrovent HFA) when other inhalers don’t work
  • Oral corticosteroids
  • Avoiding triggers

How Asthma is Diagnosed

For everyone over the age of five years, the diagnostic process is relatively similar. The doctor will discuss symptoms with you and test your lung function. Lung function tests may include a Peak Expiratory Flow test. With this procedure, you breathe into a mouthpiece, which measures how fast a patient can exhale. The mouthpiece does not hurt and the doctor can read the results immediately.

The doctor may also use other tests to measure how well your respiratory system is working. For example, pulse-ox meters can tell the doctor how much oxygen is in your blood. This test is done simply by placing the device around your finger. There is no pain. The doctor may continue to monitor your lung function as you recover from an emergency situation.

How to Prevent Asthma

There is no way to prevent someone from having chronic asthma because doctors do not yet know exactly what causes some people to have it while others don’t. However, people with asthma can prevent asthma attacks by:

  • Regularly consulting with their doctors to ensure they have a plan
  • Managing their allergies with their doctor
  • Using their inhalers at the first sign of an asthma episode
  • Taking preventative medications as prescribed

At Newmed, we want to help our patients get healthy and stay that way. As such, we will be sure to give you a plan of action moving forward. Following this plan closely and asking any questions you have can help.

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NewMed Immediate Care
1669 W. Algonquin Rd
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
Phone: 847-258-4500
Fax: 847-258-5732

Office Hours

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